Areas of focus
The Foundation aims to support charities that make a positive difference in their fields, with grants varying according to the size of the charity and the ambition of the project being undertaken.

Youth and Education
From supporting disadvantaged school children in developing countries, to contributing to major institutions such as secondary schools, universities and organisations that aim to democratise education, this work is a critical part of the aims of the Veronica and Lars Bane Foundation. Every year a large volume of grants go to community projects, many of which rely on the time and goodwill of volunteers working at a grassroots level. The Foundation supports programmes in Nepal, South Africa and Kenya, but also local and regional charities in the UK and Europe. Typical projects include a childcare facility in rural South Africa; school-building and teacher-training in Nepal; and an organisation that addresses educational disadvantages in England and Wales.

Livelihoods and Human Rights
The Veronica and Lars Bane Foundation believes in equal rights for all, often supporting specific campaigns and different organisations aimed at the promotion of human rights. We also believe in the promotion of international development and collaboration and aim to contribute towards different livelihoods and human rights campaigns across the world.

Health and Wellbeing
Our support also goes to charities working in a variety of fields within health and wellbeing – including combating diseases and across childbirth and women's health – as well as medical organisations working in conflict zones. We believe health and wellbeing are paramount to the improvement of lives and societies and we often support causes at local and regional level aimed at delivering better health and life conditions to all.

Arts and Culture
The Foundation supports cultural organisations that delight, inspire and educate audiences. From local theatre to national art galleries, we have supported cultural life in multiple countries. The support includes both restricted, project-based grants and unrestricted funding available to organisations that engage with a broad audience and can demonstrate their impact in widening access to the visual and performing arts. The Foundation also supports artist-led initiatives, acquisitions of works of art, and digital projects aimed at reaching wider and more diverse audiences.